Thursday 1 August 2019

Friday, August 2, 2019 - Lev 23:1,4-11, 15-16, 27, 34-37; Mt 13:54-58

Friday, August 2, 2019 - Lev 23:1,4-11, 15-16, 27, 34-37; Mt 13:54-58

  1. On which days would the holy convocation be?

  2. First and second
    First and seventh
    First and third

  3. Why did Jesus not do many deeds of power in his hometown?

  4. Because they did not ask him
    Because of their unbelief
    Because they were all well

  5. Which day of the seventh month was the day of atonement?

  6. Seventh

  7. Where did Jesus teach the people in his hometown?

  8. In the Temple
    From a boat
    In the synagogue

  9. On which day of the seventh month was the festival of booths to be celebrated?

  10. Fourteenth

  11. On which day was the festival of unleavened bread?

  12. Fourteenth

  13. How many days would the festival of booths last?

  14. Six

  15. On which day was the Passover offering to be made to the Lord?

  16. Third

  17. Whose son did the people say Jesus was?

  18. Joseph's
    The carpenter's

  19. What is the message of the Gospel of today?

  20. Our 'knowledge' may come in the way of our knowing
    If we think we know we may never learn
    If we keep saying 'we know' we may miss the Messiah

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on Suggestions are always welcome

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