Tuesday 11 December 2018

Wednesday, December 12, 2018 - Isa 40:25-31; Mt 11:28-30

Wednesday, December 12, 2018 - Isa 40:25-31; Mt 11:28-30

  1. How does Jesus define his yoke?

  2. Light

  3. Which is the third discourse in the Gospel of Matthew?

  4. The Parable Discourse
    The Community Discourse
    The Mission Discourse

  5. Whom does Jesus invite to come to him?

  6. Those who want to
    Those who labour and are heavy laden
    Those who have received the invitation

  7. What will happen to youths?

  8. They will be alert and awake
    They will faint and be weary
    They will renew their strength

  9. How does Jesus define his burden?

  10. Light

  11. How many discourses does the Gospel of Matthew contain?

  12. Four

  13. What will happen to those who wait for the Lord?

  14. They will renew their strength
    They will grow weary
    They will tire

  15. How many Chapters does the Book of Isaiah contain?

  16. Fifty-five

  17. What do Jacob and Israel say?

  18. We have been abandoned
    My way is hid from the Lord
    We are loved by God

  19. What is the message of the readings of today?

  20. Jesus gives rest like no one else can
    Accepting Jesus' was makes life easier
    Jesus is Lord of the poor and downtrodden

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on errolsj@gmail.com. Suggestions are always welcome.

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