Saturday 15 December 2018

Sunday, December 16, 2018 - Zeph 3:14-18; Phil4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18

Sunday, December 16, 2018 - Zeph 3:14-18; Phil4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18

  1. What will the Lord gather into his granary?

  2. The chaff

  3. Who is asked to rejoice and exult?

  4. The daughter of Jerusalem
    The daughter of Zion
    The daughter of Israel

  5. With what does John say the one who is coming after him will baptise?

  6. The Holy Spirit and fire
    The Holy Spirit and water
    The Holy Spirit and grace

  7. What does Paul say the Philippians must not have about anything?

  8. Anxiety

  9. With what does John say he baptises?

  10. The Spirit

  11. What does John ask the soldiers to do?

  12. To share with others
    To rob no one by violence
    To collect no more than is appointed

  13. What does Paul want people to know of the Philippians?

  14. Prayer

  15. Who is asked to sing aloud?

  16. The daughter of Israel
    The daughter of Zion
    The daughter of Jerusalem

  17. What did John ask the tax collectors to do?

  18. To share with others
    To collect no more than is appointed
    To rob no one

  19. What is the message of the readings of today?

  20. Repentance means a change of heart
    Repentance means newness
    Repentance means a willingness to cnange

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on Suggestions are always welcome.

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