Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Thursday, October 31, 2019 - Rom 8:31-39; Lk 13:31-35

Thursday, October 31, 2019 - Rom 8:31-39; Lk 13:31-35

  1. On which day does Jesus say he finishes his work?

  2. The last day
    The third day
    The second last day

  3. Who asked Jesus to get away?

  4. Herodians

  5. What did God not withhold?

  6. His Grace
    His Son
    His Peace

  7. Away from where is it impossible for a prophet to be killed?

  8. Galilee

  9. Who does Paul say justifies?

  10. Our faith
    Our works

  11. Who was wanting to kill Jesus?

  12. Herod
    The High Priest

  13. How did Jesus wish to gather Jerusalem?

  14. As a hen gathers her brood
    As a cat gathers her kittens
    As a gardener tends the garden

  15. What does Jerusalem do to the prophets?

  16. She listens to them
    She stones them
    She kills them

  17. What does Jerusalem do to the ones who are sent to her?

  18. She stones them
    She kills them
    She respects them

  19. What is the message of the readings of today?

  20. When challenges come our way we must not give up
    Perseverance wins the day
    If we persevere we are rewarded

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on Suggestions are always welcome.

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