Sunday, 6 October 2019

Monday, October 7, 2019 - Jonah 1:1-2:1,11; Lk 10:25-37

Monday, October 7, 2019 - Jonah 1:1-2:1,11; Lk 10:25-37

  1. Who stood up to test Jesus?

  2. A priest
    A lawyer
    A Pharisee

  3. What swallowed Jonah?

  4. A sea monster
    A large fish
    A jellyfish

  5. Who was the first to come to the injured man?

  6. A Levite
    A Priest
    A Samaritan

  7. To where did Jonah flee?

  8. Nineveh

  9. From where to where was the man going when he fell among robbers?

  10. From Jericho to Jerusalem
    From Jerusalem to Jericho
    From Jerusalem to Galilee

  11. To which city was Jonah asked to go?

  12. Gamorrah

  13. Where did Jonah find a ship going to Tarshish?

  14. At Joppa
    At Sidon
    At Tyre

  15. Who was Jonah's father?

  16. Nun

  17. Who was the second person to come to the injured man?

  18. A Levite
    A Priest
    A Samaritan

  19. What is the message of the readings of today?

  20. We must be careful of stereotyping
    We must become aware of our prejudices
    We must avoid looking with tainted glasses

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on Suggestions are always welcome.

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