Sunday, 29 July 2018

Monday, July 30, 2018 - Jer 13:1-11; Mt 13:31-35

Monday, July 30, 2018 - Jer 13:1-11; Mt 13:31-35

  1. How many measures of flour are leavened?

  2. One

  3. How many chapters does the book of Jeremiah contain?

  4. Fifty one
    Fifty two

  5. To which river was Jeremiah asked to go wearing the loincloth?

  6. Tiber

  7. To what is the ruined loincloth compared?

  8. Israel and Samaria
    Judah and Jerusalem
    Egypt and Cairo

  9. What kind of loincloth was Jeremiah asked to buy?

  10. Silk

  11. Which prophet does Jesus quote in the Gospel of today?

  12. Isaiah

  13. What seed does Jesus speak about in today's Gospel?

  14. Wheat

  15. Where did Jeremiah hide the loincloth?

  16. Under a boulder
    In a corner of his house
    In a cleft of a rock

  17. What was Jeremiah asked not to do with the loin cloth?

  18. Not to wear it
    Not to dip it in water
    Not to drop it on the ground

  19. What is the message of the readings of today?

  20. Small beginnings have great endings
    Perseverance like the leaven is what we are called to
    We may think that our efforts are insignificant, but God does not think so.

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on Suggestions are always welcome.

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