To read the texts click on the texts: Isaiah52:7-10; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18
Introduction and the Entrance Antiphon of today’s liturgy makes clear that for
those who celebrate Christmas the word of God is no longer merely the message
spoken by the prophets, but the messenger of God in person. The Word of God is
a child born for us on whose shoulder dominion will be laid. This is seen
clearly in the readings that have been chosen for today.
the first reading from the Second Book of Isaiah which is a prophetic oracle of
salvation, the prophet announces through a messenger the return of the exiles
to Jerusalem. Jerusalem which had experienced war, destruction and sorrow will
now experience peace, unity and happiness. This is the good news that is
letter to the Hebrews takes up the theme of the good news spoken through God’s
word in a variety of ways. In the old days, this was spoken through the
prophets, but in the now, the new days God will not content himself with merely
speaking through intermediaries but speaks through a part of himself when he
speaks through his son. His speaking is definitive not because God will not
speak again, but because in Jesus, God has said all that he would want to say.
God will not need to speak like this anymore.
is also the theme of the prologue of the Gospel of John. However, John puts it
even more elaborately than Hebrews does. Jesus is here described as the one who
was with God from all eternity, who was, is and will be divine. This Word “became flesh and dwelt among
us.” But again this totally other
"Word" has a history and a purpose.
He comes into the world as life and light. He asks to be accepted in faith. His own did not accept him; throughout
history he offers himself to all of good will.
Those who do accept him he empowers to become children of God, to have a
new birth, to be born of God in the new birth of the Spirit.
impossible has become possible, the totally incomprehensible has become
somewhat comprehensible and our humanity is never again to be seen as a
limitation but as an advantage. We have been blessed with a new and radiant
vision. God could not be seen, but now in Jesus he is visible. Our God is not a
God out there or up there, but a God who is with us and for us and showed us
this in the unique and astounding way of becoming like us. We share through the
Incarnation in the very life of God. Our cry after the Incarnation is not a
plaintive “I’m only human”, but an exuberant, “I’m human”. This is what
Christmas means and this is what the birth of the Christ child is saying.
Before the Incarnation of Jesus, we human beings thought we could be only this
brave, but the Incarnation has shown that we can be braver. Before the
Incarnation we thought we could only love so much, but the Incarnation has
shown that we can love even more and to the very end. Before Jesus’ incarnation
we human beings thought we could be only so much, but the Incarnation of God
shows us that we can be more. We have become through the incarnation, children,
women and men of the Magis, the greater, the more. The Incarnation has made
each of us aware of the immense potential that exists in us because we have
been graced through the humanity of the divinity. Christ became human to show
us that even in our humanity we can become divine. The Incarnation does not
simply invite us to be good men and women, rather through the Incarnation;
Jesus makes us into people who can use all their strengths and defects to the
service and the glory of God. This is the proof to us that it is not by our own
will power that we are able to become children of God. It is by God's grace, by
God's unmerited and unconditional love of us.
Christmas is not merely the celebration of a historical birth or a birth that
took place over two thousand years ago. It is about becoming conscious of who
we really are as human beings. It is the celebration of life in all its
fullness. It is the celebration of the transformation of limit to
limitlessness, of selfishness to selflessness, of bondage and fear to freedom
and unconditional love.
belongs not only to a few who call themselves Christians but to the entire
earth. The lowly animals, birds, plants, trees indeed the whole of nature
participates in this nativity of the divine light at Christmas. Our compassion
for our human brothers and sisters is increased when we realize that the
animals, birds, plants, trees and the rest of nature is also made up of
wondrous beings in even more humble, limited and unrecognizable form than
the Logos (Word) descends into the earth and becomes sarx (flesh) to bring
Light to the world, we realize that it is in and through this Light that we
have life.
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