To read the texts click on the texts: Acts14:21b-27; Rev21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a; 34-35
35th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus was held at the beginning of
the year 2008. In Decree 2 titled “The Fire that Kindles Other Fires,” a line
reads thus: “Our lives must provoke the questions, “Who are you that you do
these things…. and that you do them in this way”? Through this the members of
the Society of Jesus are exhorted to “manifest especially in the ceaseless
world of noise and stimulation – a strong sense of the sacred inseparably
joined to involvement in the world.” These words can well be used as a summary
of the challenge of the Gospel text of today.
background to the verses of the Gospel text is the episode in which Jesus
washes the feet of his disciples. It is a gesture that is not merely symbolic,
or a lesson in humility, but a prophetic gesture. Jesus is showing through this
prophetic act not what his disciples are expected to do but what they are
expected to be. Jesus wanted their actions to stem from their being. Today’s
verses begin after Judas has gone out. He has decided not to be what Jesus
expects him to be. He has decided to opt out. It is in this context and even in
the midst of impending betrayal and deceitfulness that Jesus gives a new
command. To be sure the command per se is not new. It forms part of the Torah
in the Old Testament. What is new about it is that the commandment to love has
its roots in the incarnation. God’s love for the world was so great that God
could only send the Son as a perfect manifestation of that love. The second
reading from the book of Revelation confirms this when it affirms that because
of the incarnation, the dwelling of God is on earth and among mortals. God
dwells with humans and manifests his love to them in wiping away their tears,
and taking away their crying, mourning and pain. The disciples are asked to
enter into that same love. They will show that they have entered into this love
by keeping this command of love. It is a sure and tangible sign of the
disciples abiding in Jesus. This love will also be a sign to the world of who
the disciples are and why they do what they do.
first Christian community continued to give this sign because of which many who
experienced it were drawn to their way of life. The first reading of today
narrates how Paul and his companions were able to transform the lives of many
not merely because of their preaching the Word, but because they lived out the
Word they preached. They were unafraid to continue to love even in the midst of
persecution and rejection. What mattered to them was that love be proclaimed.
What mattered to them was that the love that God had made incarnate in Christ
be made known to all. What mattered was that no matter how arduous the road
ahead or how terrifying the terrain, they would continue to persevere and love.
They were thus instrumental in giving a glimpse to those who encountered them
of the new heaven and new earth that the second reading of today speaks of. The
first heaven and earth which was a heaven and earth that had not had the
privilege of witnessing and experiencing the incarnation was no more. It had
passed away because of the coming of Christ and his gift on unconditional love.
The new heaven and new earth that the first Christian community experienced in
Christ and wanted to share with others. It was a situation in which there would
be no sea and therefore no negatives because all that was negative would fade
with the coming of the positive of unrestricted and unreserved love.
more than two thousand years after the inauguration of that new heaven and new
earth, the challenge remains. The Christian community of today has to waken to
this challenge and call to give a glimpse of what was through the coming of
Christ and so what can be. It will do this when individual members of the new
community take on the responsibility of becoming Christ to those who do not
know him or have not yet encountered him. It will do this when the community as
a whole is united in that love which Christ brought with his coming. It will do
this when those who encounter Christians today ask, “Who are you that you do
these things… and that you do them in this way?”
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