Monday, 25 February 2019

Tuesday, February 26, 2019 - Sir 2:1-11; Mk 9:30-37

Tuesday, February 26, 2019 - Sir 2:1-11; Mk 9:30-37

  1. How did the disciples respond when Jesus asked them what they were discussing on the way?

  2. They argued with Jesus
    They were silent
    They were angry with Jesus

  3. What must one prepare for if they come to serve the Lord?

  4. Temptation

  5. What does Mark say the disciples were discussing?

  6. About who would die in place of Jesus
    About who was the greatest
    About who who prepare their supper

  7. Through which region did Jesus pass with his disciples?

  8. Caesarea Phillipi

  9. Whom did Jesus put in the midst of the disciples?

  10. His relatives
    His mother
    A child

  11. How must we respond in time of calamity?

  12. Hastily
    Without haste

  13. Where doe Sirach say gold is tested?

  14. In water
    In fire
    In air

  15. In which place did Jesus enter a house?

  16. In Galilee
    In Capernaum
    In the Decapolis

  17. How many chapters does the book of Sirach contain?

  18. Fifty

  19. What is the message of the readings of today?

  20. Following Jesus means to live for him
    To be leader means to serve
    Authority in the kingdom means service

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on Suggestions are always welcome

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