Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Thursday, February 14, 2019 - Gen 2:18-25; Mk 7:24-30

Thursday, February 14, 2019 - Gen 2:18-25; Mk 7:24-30

  1. What was tha ailment in the gospel text of today?

  2. Possession by an unclean spirit

  3. What did the woman notice when she went home?

  4. That no one was there
    That her request had been granted
    That Jesus had reached before her

  5. Why did Jesus say the woman was granted her request?

  6. For the saying she spoke
    For her faith
    Because he liked her

  7. To whom does Genesis say a man must cling?

  8. His mother
    His father
    His wife

  9. Where did Jesus enter in today's gospel?

  10. A synagogue
    A temple
    A house

  11. Whom does Jesus refer to when he speaks of children?

  12. Jews
    Those below twelve years of age

  13. What nationality was the woman who came to Jesus?

  14. Greek

  15. To which region did Jesus go in today's gospel?

  16. Tyre and Sidon
    Sodom and Gamorrah

  17. Which member of the family of the woman was ill?

  18. Her husband
    Her son
    Her daughter

  19. What is the message of the readings of today?

  20. Perseverance is the key
    If at first we do no succeed, we must keep trying
    Perseverance wins the day

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on Suggestions are always welcome

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