To read the texts click on the texts: Gen1:20-2:4; Mk 7:1-13
the text of today, the Pharisees and the Scribes see that the disciples of
Jesus eat with unwashed hands, and so ask Jesus a question concerning what they
consider as defilement. In his response to them, Jesus takes the discussion to
a higher plane, by focussing not merely on what defiles or does not defile a
person, but on true worship, which stems from the heart. The quotation from
Isaiah 29,13 is an apt description of the sham worship offered, when God wanted
heart worship. To illustrate his point, Jesus gives the example of Corban, in
which the Pharisees’ would dedicate, something to God, and so not allow anyone
else including their parents to use it, but would use it themselves. In case
others wanted to use it, their answer would be that they could not allow them
to do so since it was “Corban” (dedicated to God) and so belonged to God alone.
are times when we find way and means to get out of fulfilling our obligations
to others. We come up with flimsy excuses when we cannot keep a commitment, and
try to absolve ourselves of our responsibility. At these times we too can be
accused of lip service.
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