To read the texts click on the texts: Gen 3:9-24; Mk 8:1-10
reading contains the second of the two feeding miracles that are found in
Matthew and Mark. It has largely been regarded as a Gentile feeding as opposed
to the first feeding miracle (6:35-44), which is considered as a Jewish
feeding. One reason for this is that the setting of the previous miracle of the
healing of the deaf man with an impediment in his speech was possibly in
Gentile territory and it is presumed that the setting for this miracle too is
the same. Another reason is that this feeding is the less abundant of the two.
While in the first feeding miracle fewer loaves (5) and fish (2) are required
to feed more people (5000) and more baskets are gathered after the feeding
(12), here more loaves (7) and fish (few) are needed to feed fewer people (400)
and lesser baskets are gathered (7). Here too, however, like in the first
feeding miracle, the crowds eat and are satisfied. This indicates the abundance
of the messianic age and what the coming of Jesus represents.
that we have is given to us in trust by God and is to be used not selfishly but
for the good of others. We can decide to hoard and store for future generations
of our nuclear families, or we can decide to share at least a little of what we
have with the less fortunate.
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