Monday 4 March 2019

Tuesday, March 5, 2019 - Sirach 35:1-12; Mk 10:28-31

Tuesday, March 5, 2019 - Sirach 35:1-12; Mk 10:28-31

  1. What does the offering of a righteous person do?

  2. It anoints the altar
    It is efficacious
    It is gives freely

  3. Who told Jesus that they had left everything and followed him?

  4. James

  5. What does Sirach say must be shown with every gift?

  6. A gloomy face
    A cheerful face

  7. How much Jesus say that those who left things for his sake will receive?

  8. A hundrefold

  9. How many fold does Sirach say the Lord will repay?

  10. Sevenfold
    A hundredfold

  11. What must not be offered to the Lord?

  12. A bribe
    Rotten fruits
    Spoiled offerings

  13. What does the one who returns a kindness offer?

  14. The self
    Fine flour
    The choicest gifts

  15. How must the Lord be glorified?

  16. Generously
    In the Temple

  17. What will Jesus' disciples receive in the age to come?

  18. The choicest gifts
    Riches and honour
    Eternal life

  19. What is the message of the readings of today?

  20. We must act without expectation
    Genuine love is unconditional
    Love keeps no record whatever

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on Suggestions are always welcome

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