Thursday, 6 February 2020

Friday, February 7, 2020 - Sir 47:2-11; Mk 6:14-29

Friday, February 7, 2020 - Sir 47:2-11; Mk 6:14-29

  1. Who did Herod think Jesus was?

  2. Elijah
    John the Baptiser

  3. Which adversaries did David annihilate?

  4. The Egyptians
    The Philistines
    The Aaassyrians

  5. What did Herodias tell her daugther to ask Herod?

  6. Half his kingdom
    A gold necklace
    The head of John the Baptiser

  7. Who did David kill in his youth?

  8. A giant
    A demon
    A ferocious lion

  9. On account of whose wife had Herod put John in prison?

  10. His brother Philip's wife
    His own wife
    His friend's wife

  11. How did David play with the lions?

  12. As though they were his friends
    As though they were young goats
    As though he knew them

  13. What did the disciples of John do when they heard he had been beheaded?

  14. They fled from that place
    They laid his body in a tomb
    They locked themselves in a room

  15. Who was set apart from the Israelites?

  16. Solomon

  17. Who heard about Jesus?

  18. Pilate

  19. What is the message of the readings of today?

  20. We must avoid being rash
    Do not make promises in a fit of excitement
    Be careful before you commit

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on Suggestions are always welcome.

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