Saturday 22 June 2019

Sunday, June 23, 2019 - Gen 14:18-20; 1 Cor 11:2-26; Lk 9:11-17

Sunday, June 22, 2019 - Gen 14:18-20; 1 Cor 11:2-26; Lk 9:11-17

  1. On which night did the Lord take a loaf of bread?

  2. On the night of his resurrection
    On the night he was betrayed
    On the night he died

  3. Which king is mentioned in the first reading of today?

  4. David

  5. How many loaves and fish did the disciples say they had?

  6. Five and two respectively
    Seven and few respectively
    Twelve and two respectively

  7. In groups of how many did the people sit down?

  8. Ten

  9. What did Abram give Melchizedek?

  10. All his possessions
    One-tenth of everything
    One-half of everything

  11. How many people did Jesus feed?

  12. Four thousand
    Five thousand
    Seven thousand

  13. From where was king Melchizedek?

  14. Heaven

  15. How many baskets were gathered after the feeding?

  16. Seven

  17. Whom did Melchizedek bless?

  18. Abraham

  19. What is the message of the Gospel of today?

  20. The Eucharist is not a private devotion
    The effects of the Eucharist must be seen in our lives
    The Eucharist is essentially communitarian

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on Suggestions are always welcome.

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