Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 - Jer 18:18-20; Mt 20:17-28

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 - Jer 18:18-20; Mt 20:17-28

  1. To whom did Jesus say he would be first be delivered?

  2. The Pharisees
    The High Priest
    The chief priests and scribes

  3. How did the ten respond to the brothers when they of their request?

  4. They smiled at them
    They were indignant
    They were happy for them

  5. Who came to Jesus with a request for places on his right and left?

  6. James and John
    Peter and Andrew
    The mother of the sons of Zebedee

  7. Why does Jesus say the Son of Man came?

  8. To be served
    To serve
    To be first

  9. What did Jeremiah say they dug for his life?

  10. A cistern
    A pit
    A tunnel

  11. When Jesus asked the brothers if they could drink the cup how did they respond?

  12. They said they could
    They were frightened
    They did not respond to Jesus

  13. With what did his detractors want to smite Jeremiah?

  14. With a rod
    With a lash
    With the tongue

  15. To which place was Jesus going up with his disciples?

  16. Jerusalem

  17. How many chapters does the Book of Jeremiah contain?

  18. Fifty

  19. What is the message of the readings of today?

  20. Authority in the kingdom means service
    If we want to be No.1, we must be ready to be No One
    To be first means to serve

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on errolsj@gmail.com. Suggestions are always welcome

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