Saturday, 9 March 2019

Sunday, March 10, 2019 -Dt 26:4-10; Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13

Sunday, March 10, 2019 -Dt 26:4-10; Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13

  1. How many times does the devil quote scripture in the temptations?

  2. Once
    Three times

  3. Which is the third temptation in Luke?

  4. To throw himself from the pinnacle of the Temple
    Stone into bread
    All the kingdoms of the world

  5. With what does Paul say one confesses?

  6. The mind
    The heart
    The lips

  7. What was the first temptation?

  8. Stones into bread
    Stone into bread
    The kingdoms of the world

  9. Who treated the people harshly?

  10. The Israelites
    The Philistines
    The Egyptians

  11. With what does Paul say one believes?

  12. The mind
    The lips
    The heart

  13. How many days was Jesus in the wilderness?

  14. Seven

  15. Where will the priest set down the basket?

  16. Before the altar
    Before the temple gate
    Before the entrance of the temple

  17. How many times does Jesus quote scripture in the temptations?

  18. Once
    Three times

  19. What is the message of the readings of today?

  20. With God's grace we can overcome temptation
    At the root of all sin is selfishness
    Sin is to place the I in the centre

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on Suggestions are always welcome

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