Friday 1 August 2014

Saturday, August 2, 2014 - St. Peter Faber SJ - Will you radiate Christ by what you do?

To read the texts click on the texts: 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt 10:24-27

Saint Peter Faber SJ was born 13 April, 1506, at Villaret, Savoy; and died on 1 Aug., 1546, in Rome. At the University of Paris he met St. Ignatius of Loyola and became one of his associates. He was ordained in 1534, and received at Montmartre, on 15 August of the same year, the vows of Ignatius and his five companions.

After Ignatius, Faber was the one whom Xavier and his companions esteemed the most eminent. He merited this esteem by his profound knowledge, his gentle sanctity, and his influence over people. If there is one quality that characterised the life of Blessed Peter Faber, it was his desire to spread the Word of God through his teaching and sermons. He was one of the Theologians appointed by Pope Paul III to the Council of Trent. He was renowned for his learning and his knowledge of scripture and his skill in giving the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius. Though he was able to win back many Catholics who had lapsed and draw others to the faith, his humility made him constantly acknowledge the fact that this success was not due to his eloquence and knowledge but to God working in him. Though he died when he was barely forty years of age, he was able because of his humility and openness to do great things for God.

Through the intercession of Saint Peter Faber we pray for the grace of humility and openness, so that the God, who worked in his life and was able to do great things in and through him, might do the same in our lives as well.

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