Saturday 24 November 2012

The feeding of the five thousand

Who said to whom?

“There is a lad here with five barley loaves and two fish; but what are they among so many?”  

1.    Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter said these words to Jesus in the Gospel of John just before Jesus could feed the five thousand.

2.    Philip said these words to Jesus in the Gospel of John just before Jesus could feed the five thousand.

3.    Thomas said these words to Jesus in the Gospel of John just before Jesus could feed the five thousand.

4.    Simon Peter the brother of Andrew said these words to Jesus in the Gospel of John just before Jesus could feed the five thousand.


  1. 1. Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter said these words to Jesus in the Gospel of John just before Jesus could feed the five thousand.

  2. yes 1..Andrew...

    mario andrew rodrigues

  3. 4. Simon Peter to Jesus



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