Monday 16 January 2012

Priests retreat

The Retreat begins at 6.30 pm. Pray for us. there are 10 Priests who are from Mumbai, Pune and Coimbatore.


  1. Prayers for a meaningful retreat for all of you who have travelled from far to strenghten yourselves spiritually so that you all can serve Him and His flock better.


  2. Thank you Fr. Errol for praying for us and asking others through Jesuit blog to pray for us 10 priests of 1987 Ordination batch. Thanks for responding to our invitation to preach a meaningful retreat and helping us for 5 days to renew us by your effective talks and reflection with the help of the Scripture. You have shared your own experiences and made us to see how relevant is the word of God to each one of us. You have made known to us that the Christ is alive in us now who will journey with us for next many more years to come of our priestly ministry.Once again a BIG THANK YOU. Fr. Nicholas Pereira.
    Cathedral of The Holy Name.
    Colaba, Mumbai 400 001.


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