Saturday, 5 March 2011

For those who believe no proof is necessary, for those who do not no proof is sufficient. Which kind of person are you?

Mark links the incident of the Challenge to the authority of Jesus (11,27-33) with the incident of the Cleansing of the Temple (11,15-19). When asked by the Pharisees where his authority comes from, Jesus points back to the baptism of John and so to his own baptism (1,9-11) where he received the invitation to be both slave and son. Since they are not able to answer because whatever answer they give will result in their condemnation, Jesus too refuses to answer their question. The point that Mark seems to be making is that the authorities had closed themselves to the revelation of God in Jesus and so would not be willing to accept Jesus as God’s chosen one. There would not be much use in trying to explain to those who were not open to listen.
We sometimes make up our minds about something and take so rigid a stand about it that we are then unwilling to change our stance or see another point of view. The danger of this attitude is that we might miss out on learning something new and the revelation that the situation or person makes to us.


  1. Firstly.. nice template.. feels like am seated at the beach with the setting sun and the roaring sea, while your words make me think..

    Its true that we often miss out the relevant lessons while we stand firm on ego or wrong judgements. I think we all fall in the two categories at times..

    Though not often, but I have realized that I was wrong with regards to my way of thinking.

  2. There are absolute truths whether one believes or not. I will take the truth of Jesus-God over the speculation of man every time.


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