Ignatius regarded the Church as a mother even though during his time there were
many abuses in the Church. He never considered himself an outsider, an armchair
critic, but actively went about trying to reform the Church from within. In his
Spiritual Exercises, Ignatius had specially incorporated Eighteen Rules for
thinking with the Church, the first of which exhorts us to be ready to obey
promptly and in all things the true spouse of Christ our Lord, our Holy Mother
Many of us
unfortunately are able to see only the negative, the black spot on the white
wall, or the half empty bottle. We find it difficult to focus on the positive,
the white wall or the half filled bottle when it comes to our assessment of the
Church. We need to understand that we are all part of the Church, and while
there will be abuses, we need to go about correcting them through constructive
and positive criticism like Ignatius did.
Triune God,
Father, Son and Spirit, the union and love you share is the model for all union
and love among us. We pray that through the intercession of St. Ignatius of
Loyola, we who belong to this Parish may have the courage to manifest this
union among ourselves so that we might be true witnesses of your love among us.
We ask this in your united name. Amen.
Yes Fr agree with you