To read the texts click on the texts: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Jn3:22-30
This is John’s final appearance in the Gospel of John
in which he gives his final witness to Jesus. The reason for the witness is the
report of his disciples that Jesus to whom John bore witness was also baptizing
and that “everyone” was now going to him. This witness begins with John stating
what at first glance might seem like a logical statement, but in its deeper
sense means that Jesus has what he has from God. It is a gift from God to Jesus
and given to him directly. This is why in his earlier testimony, John had made
clear that while he was not the Christ, and he was the one sent ahead of him to
prepare the way. Since he was clear about his role in God’s plan of salvation,
he had no difficulty with accepting it and living it out. He is but the friend
of the bridegroom, who when the bridegroom appears will take his secondary and
less important place. The bridegroom is the one who is at the centre of the
marriage feast. When it begins the friend must recede into the background.
The choice of
this text on the last day of the Christmas Season is apt because it defines the
roles of each of us who like John are friends of the bridegroom, Jesus. Like
John, our role is to prepare the way for him and to point out to him through
our words and actions. If we understand this role and if at every moment we
realize where our authority ends, we can fulfill this role as we ought to.
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