Monday, 27 January 2020

Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 2 Sam 6:12-15,17-19; Mk 3:31-35

Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 2 Sam 6:12-15,17-19; Mk 3:31-35

  1. Where was the ark placed?

  2. In the open
    On a height
    In the tent

  3. Where did the mother and brothers of Jesus stand?

  4. Outside
    In the middle

  5. Besides burnt offerings what else did David offer?

  6. Redemption offerings
    Offerings of well-being
    Sin offerings

  7. What did David do before the Lord with all his might?

  8. Bowed low
    Paid obeisance

  9. Besides an ox what else did David sacrifice?

  10. Nothing
    A fatling
    A ram

  11. Who was sitting around Jesus when his mother and brothers called to him?

  12. His disciples
    A crowd
    The sick and paralysed

  13. How many paces did those who bore the ark go before David sacrificed?

  14. Seven

  15. What did David give to each besides bread and meat?

  16. Raisins

  17. Who does Jesus say is his mother, brother and sister?

  18. The one who is related to him
    The one who does the will of God
    The one who does not sin

  19. What is the message of the readings of today?

  20. To be related to Jesus means to do God's will
    We are not related to Jesus merely because we are baptised
    We need to show in action that we are related to Jesus

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on Suggestions are always welcome.

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