Sunday, 10 November 2019

Monday, November 11, 2019 - Wis 1:1-7; Lk 17:1-6

Monday, November 11, 2019 - Wis 1:1-7; Lk 17:1-6

  1. What kind of a Spirit is wisdom?

  2. Kindly

  3. What will be tied around the neck of a scandalizer?

  4. A millstone
    A rock
    A huge stone

  5. By whom is the Lord found?

  6. By those who put him to the test
    By those who do not put him to the test
    By those who pas the test

  7. What did the disciples ask Jesus to increase?

  8. Their allowance
    Their credit
    Their faith

  9. How must the Lord be sought?

  10. Relentlessly
    In sincerity of heart
    Without ceasing

  11. How many times a day must forgiveness be given if there is repentance?

  12. Six

  13. What separates people from God?

  14. Perverse thoughts
    Bad actions

  15. What does wisdom call the rulers of the earth to love?

  16. Righteousness

  17. What seed does Jesus mention in the context of faith?

  18. Corn

  19. What is the message of the readings of today?

  20. We must speak words that build up
    We must be careful of pulling people down
    Our choice of words can hurt or build

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on Suggestions are always welcome.

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