Monday, 9 September 2019

Tuesday, September 10, 2019 - Col 2:6-15; Lk 6:12-29

Tuesday, September 10, 2019 - Col 2:6-15; Lk 6:12-29

  1. What did Jesus go up to the mountain to do?

  2. To be alone
    To pray
    To be by himself

  3. What did Jesus also call his disciples?

  4. His friends
    His brothers

  5. With what kind of circumcision were the Colossians circumcised?

  6. Physical

  7. How many disciples did Jesus choose?

  8. Seventy

  9. Which disciple is mentioned last by Luke?

  10. Simon Peter
    Judas Iscariot

  11. In what must the Colossians abound?

  12. In love
    In thanksgiving
    In sacrifice

  13. In whom must the Colossians live their lives?

  14. In God the Father
    In Christ Jesus the Lord
    In the Holy Spirit

  15. Which disciples is mentioned first by Luke?

  16. Andrew

  17. In what were the Colossians buried with Jesus?

  18. In his death
    In baptism
    In the spirit

  19. What is the message of the Gospel of today?

  20. Each of us is called to collaborate with Jesus
    We must hear the call to be able to answer
    Jesus keeps calling even today

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on Suggestions are always welcome.

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