Thursday, 7 March 2019

Friday, March 8, 2019 - Isa 58:1-9;Mt 9:14-15

Friday, March 8, 2019 - Isa 58:1-9;Mt 9:14-15

  1. Who asked Jesus the question about fasting?

  2. Jesus' disciples
    John's disciples
    The Pharisees

  3. With whom does Isaiah say bread must be shared?

  4. The neighbours
    The hungry

  5. How does Isaiah say the voice must be lifted up?

  6. Like a trumpet
    Very high
    Like a saxophone

  7. What does Isaiah say is sought on a day of fast?

  8. Their own pleasures
    Reward for fasting
    Bland food

  9. Which house does Jesus say has sinned?

  10. The house of Jacob
    The house of Joseph
    The house of Esau

  11. Who else besides John's disciples also fasted?

  12. The Pharisees
    The Scribes
    The Herodians

  13. With what does Isaiah say the people hit?

  14. An iron rod
    Wicked fist
    A steel rod

  15. Who does Jesus mean by the bridegroom?

  16. The bride's husband

  17. What does Isaiah say the nation forsook?

  18. Their commitment to each other
    The ordinance of God
    Their love for neighbour

  19. What is the message of the readings of today?

  20. Good actions must be motivated from within
    Fasting is only a means to an end
    God wants us to fast also from negatives

Thanks for taking the Quiz. I hope it makes the word of God more relevant. Let me know on Suggestions are always welcome

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